as i mentioned before, my mom was diagnosed cataract. pretty much advanced and two doctors she has met both told her that she needed a surgery.
and the last thing she wants to do is surgery.
like mother, like son!
she has been trying some macrobiotic home remedies that i found.
and yesterday, she finally met a macrobiotic councelor that i recommended.
she called me today, and told me what they talked about...
the councelor told her that eye problems are caused by liver and kidneys problems, which leads to muddy, dirty blood.
by purifying the blood, he said, you can defenitely heal cataract!
some of his advices are :
no alcohol for a while---hardest for her!, eat less, skip dinner twice a month---on the new moon and the full moon, ---also eat good-for-eyes vegetables such as carrot---he recommended some special medicinal carrots.
---my mom does not eat meat, eggs, dairy or sugar anyway, so those basics were not discussed.
and most of all, don't work too hard and rest well!
she sounded so happy, motivated, and willing to heal cataracts in macrobiotic way.
"the councelor said to me, "i'm very sure that the cataract will be healed" , and that's all what i needed to hear!!"
and i'm pretty sure that she will overcome this health challenge : )