Friday, February 13, 2009

Brown Rice and Me 3 --- Eat Live & Taking Life Force

If you put a piece of brown rice in water and leave it by the window, it will sprout in a few days.
Yes, brown rice is still alive!
But if you do the same to refined white rice, it will just get rotten, since it’s dead.
By eating brown rice, you are taking life force, vital power.

In many Asian countries, like Japan, where grains are staple, introducing refined grains such as white rice --- as well as refined sugar--- caused many unknown, unprecedented diseases.
But some people knew the solution.
“Go back to the tradition. Eat whole rice!”
When they did, all was well.
But when people didn’t do, diseases prevailed.

1 comment:

My Year Without said...

What a perfect way of putting things! That was great, along with the picture you provided. I have never thought about it quite like that.
Thank you!