in spring, our body naturally tries to cleanse itself...
the fat that we accumulated during the winter starts to melt and leach into the blood.
then the liver, which syncronizes with the season, filters and cleanses the blood, and helps detoxify the whole body system.
how amazing our body works!
so this is the season when we should take extra care of the liver.
by not adding more "job" or "stress" onto it.
a.k.a, eating less, not eating heavy food.
the organ is already too busy and overworking.
what it needs is rest, give it a spring break! ---not just college kids!
if you eat too much (drink), or consume heavy foods, such as oil, meat, eggs, dairy, sugar, the liver gets overloaded and the toxin starts to reverse into the blood stream. (can't take it anymore!!)
when the dirty, muddy blood circulates the body, or even clogged, oxygen and nutrients are not cenveyed well, and many problems will follow.
fatigue, allergy, stiffness, pain.etc etc...
and become more susceptible to colds/flu. ----dirty blood attracts more viruses and bacterias just as dirty water do.
not only physical problems.
when the bad blood circulate in and around the brain, emotional and psycological problems could occure.
anger, impatient, frustration, depression......
in fact, some study shows that the number of violent crimes are highest in spring!
eat less, eat light or even fasting (especially in the evening), and say "thank you" to the liver : )