i saw a beautiful japanese movie, called "still walking", the other day.
no big drama, kind of reminds me of old Ozu movies, subtle but real, and nothing special happens throughout the movie, even at the end.
some people may not appreciate this kind.
nothing like hollywood movies.---don't get me wrong.i, too, sometime enjoy hollywood movies! : )
but i just loved it!
then i thought about food.
the difference between modern diet and macrobiotics or traditional japanese food.
our modern food culture is like a hollywood movie, while macrobiotic is like this kind of japanese movie.
we tend to like food that gives us instant satisfaction, something that you can taste strong flavor with the first bite, mainly intensified with seasonings such as salt, sugar,herb or spice.
tangible and easy to understand,does not require chewing or any other effort from or side.
we will have instant "wow!", but does not last long, and sometimes it gets boring.
macrobiotic, or traditional japanese food, on the other hand, the taste is subtle and gentle, not very strongly flavored or seasoned.
instead, each ingredient has its own place, and you will appreciate gradually and slowly, as you chew and chew and chew.....
after a hollywood movie, we would have "wow" instantly, and can say "i loved it" or "not".
while this time, after "still walking", my friend and i didn't have any quick comment, not very sure if we liked it or not, but gradually, kind of sunk in, and over dinner, finally we started to talk about it.
and we decided that we loved the movie!
and i liked this slow process.
by the way, there are some cooking scene in the movie, and one dish made me drool.
that is deep fried corn cake.
so i made it---though i didnt know the recipe.
taste sooooooo sweet and delicious! (kind of instant, but lasts long, too : )
recipe (Jin's version)
1 kernel of corn (i used organic corn from norwick medow farm. thank you!!)
1/2 cup of corn meal
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
1 to 1 tbs of grated mountain potato
pinch of salt
mix and deep fry