chemicals, pollution, stress, smoking, etc etc etc.
we are always at risk.
but even if cancer cells are produced(mutated) in your body, in an early stage our own immune system can kill those cells, so we do not necesarily develop cancer.
it's said that it usually takes about 20 to 30 years for tumor to be formed.
even in the same conditions, some people develop cancer while some do not.
the question here is,
is our body "cancer friendly"?
does our body "allow" cancer to develop?
then here comes our everyday diet, which determines the internal environment.
it's said that cancer cells thrive on protein, especially animal proteins.
also said that "acidic" condition attracts all sorts of degenerative diseases.
high in refined sugar,carbohydrate, dairy, meat, refined/processed food ....
so called "modern, western" diet all create "acidic" body.
in fact, a number of studies show that as this diet spread around the world, so does "western diseases".
so it's up to us if we make a friendly environment or "harsh" environment for cancer cells to survive in our body.
to be continued......