Monday, June 29, 2009

swimming with wild dolphins 4

that was such a healing experience.
i want to go back again!

swimming with wild dolphins 3

then amazing thing happened.
most of the time, dolphins swim so fast that you could only swim with them a few seconds or so, but one dolphin came to me, and kept swimming around me and didn't go away, as if he/she was teasing me!
i still remember his/her mischievous eyes looking at me.
or was that some kind of sign or message?

awiming with wild dolphins 2

whenever we saw a group of dolphins, we jumped into the water and swam with--or chased--them.

although the water was so deep---im usually afraid of deep water---, i was so impressed with the fact that i was swiming with them so close, i didn't get freaked out and enjoyed it so much!

swiming with wild dolphins

the highlight of this trip to hawaii was, no doubt, swimming with wild dolphins!

we took a small boat to off shore in the morning.
first i thought the boat was too small and worried that i would get sea sick.
but it turned out, it was better than going with a big boat, which, i thought, scared dolphins away.

the guide, John, was a very gentle, kind of spiritual guy, and he seemed to know about dolphins well.

in fact, lots of lots of dolphins came to our boat and swam along or ahead of the boat as if they were enjoying our campany : )

Friday, June 19, 2009

wild flowers in volcano 2

and this hydrangea!
in the wild! not planted!
so big and so beautiful.
in fact, this place was like jurassic park, so this bright blue flower was really standing out.
by the way, didn't they shoot the movie on big island??

wild flowers in volcano

big island has so much to offer, if you like nature.
after encountering lots of marine spieces, we spent a few days in volcano.
hiking along the huge crater, and hiking in volcano.
and we saw some beautiful wild flowers.
look at this wild orchid!

Hale, Macrobiotic Restaurant in Honolulu

if you go to honolulu, and like to enjoy delicious, healthy meal, this is a must go place : )


Hale, Macrobiotic Restaurant in Honolulu

and don't forget the dessert!
who said that dessert has to contain sugar and eggs?
this macrobiotic tiramisu will change your mind : )

Hale, Macrobiotic Restaurant in Honolulu

and this island fish burger with vegan pesto!

Macrobiotic Restaurant in Honolulu

Back to hawaii again.
mainly i cooked most of the meal while on big island.
so when we came back to honolulu, we went out for dinner.
and of course, macrobiotic!
Hale is a newly opened restaurant, serving exclusively macrobiotic dishes.
but their dishes will completely change your assumption as to "what macrobiotic food is".

i mean, look at this beautiful dish!
it's deep fried "kuruma-fu(whole wheat) "cutlet with apple & miso sauce.
with grilled veggies.
even if you are not vegetarian, i bet you will enjoy it.
owned by japanese macrobiotic chef, the food, presentation, service are all great!
and moderately priced : )

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cancer in Japan

unfortunately, the warning was not heeded since then.

the diet among japanese are getting more and more "westernized", and accordingly, the rate of degenerative diseases, such as cancer is soaring.

since 1981, the top cause of the death among japanese has been cancer, especially colic (large intestine) cancer.

but it's not too late.
like okinawan brazilian, if we change our life style and diet now, we still have hope!

Changing Diet .... What Happened?

in 1983, among the same okinawan brazilian, 36% of "healthy adults" were at risk of cardiac infarct.

then prfessor moriguchi instructed dietary change to those people.
less meat, sugar, salt, and more vegetables and fish.
5 years later, even though those people were 5 years older, the rate dropped to 22%!

those 2 studies concluded ;

1 the disease is less genetic, but more "life style", especially diet.
2 japanese diet seems to be ideal to prevent diseases, and for healthier, longer life.
also warned that this was a wake up call for future generation of japanese people, whose diet are rapidly shifting to "western/american style".

Diet and Disease 2

another study
(1991, by prof, moriguchi)
okinawan people vs japanese brazilian(from okinawa) living in brazil.

by the way, okinawans are one of the longest living population on this planet.

among okinawan in brazil, the rate of obesity is 50%, high blood pressure 32.8%(men),36.4%(women).
longevity. okinawan people live more than 10 years longer than the counterpart in brazil.
the rate of centenarians in okinawa is 22 per 100000, while only 5 among okinawan brazilians.

difference between them.

okinawan brazilian consume 18times more meat than okinawan in japan.
3.4 times more sugar, 20% more salt, while 30% less vegetables and fish.

Diet and Disease

heart disease, arterial sclerosis, obesity,diabetes, cancer, etc etc...
in japan, they call them "life style disease".

there is a study on cholesterol level and the rate of arterial sclerosis among japanese (living in japan) and japanese american--3rd and 4th generation--.
(hiroshima university)

the diet of the first group, japanese living in japan, is mainly based on japanese style.
grain(rice), vegetables, fish, tofu, miso, soy sauce, and occatinally other animal protein.

while the second group's diet is typical "western/american diet". high in fat, animal protein, much less grain/vegetable/fruits.

the result

japanese american over 30 year old had a higher cholesterol level ----20 to 30 mg/dl

over 40 years old, japanese american had a much higher rate of arterial sclerosis.
on average, japanese american tend to have this disease 10 years earlier in their life than japanese on japanese diet.

Food Inc.

it's a must see movie.
literally, it will change the way how you see the food.
and yes, we are voting with each bite!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cancer and its causes 2

chemicals, pollution, stress, smoking, etc etc etc.
we are always at risk.
but even if cancer cells are produced(mutated) in your body, in an early stage our own immune system can kill those cells, so we do not necesarily develop cancer.
it's said that it usually takes about 20 to 30 years for tumor to be formed.
even in the same conditions, some people develop cancer while some do not.

the question here is,
is our body "cancer friendly"?
does our body "allow" cancer to develop?

then here comes our everyday diet, which determines the internal environment.
it's said that cancer cells thrive on protein, especially animal proteins.
also said that "acidic" condition attracts all sorts of degenerative diseases.
high in refined sugar,carbohydrate, dairy, meat, refined/processed food ....
so called "modern, western" diet all create "acidic" body.
in fact, a number of studies show that as this diet spread around the world, so does "western diseases".

so it's up to us if we make a friendly environment or "harsh" environment for cancer cells to survive in our body.

to be continued......

Cancer and its causes 1

there are numerous causes that develop cancer.
however, "how your body reacts" to cancer cells seems to make a huge difference if a person really develops a cancer.

there is one study here. --- by institute de investigaciones en salud(INISA)

stomack cancer is closely linked to the helicobacter pylori (Hp) bacteria.
comparing people in two places, an area with the highest incidence of stomach cancer(near san jose) and the lowest rate of the cancer (nicoya, costa rica).

both people are equally infected with Hp bacteria.
so the bacteria itself is not the cause of developing cancer.

the difference between those people?
people near san jose are mainly migrant workers. while nicoyan people are peasants, tending their own garden, which gave them access to fresh vegetables all year around.

some studies also suggest that vitamin C and beta carotenes may help prevent stomach cancer, or at least subdue the effects of Hp.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Strawberry Season!!

at long last!
this is the strawberry season : )
unlike those you find at grocery stores all year around, these freshly picked, seasonal ones smell and taste sooooooooooo good!

go to green market and enjoy what this season has to offer : )

Friday, June 5, 2009


so, i made this macrobiotic dish!
called "shiro-ae" in japanese.


tofu, wrap in cloth and dry tofu for a while, then mash.

put carrot and tenderpart of tops in boiled water, a few minutes, then squeeze the water, cut.

in a bowl, grind sesame and waluts, add 1 tbs miso paste, 1 to 2 tbs dashi stock, pinch of salt, 1 tbs of soy sauce, then mix.

add the mix to mashed tofu.

then mix all.

serve cold or room temperture.
colorful early summer delight : )
thank you, E and A!!

Carrot and Tops

My friends, E and A, have grown some veggies in the backyard of their new home in princeton.

and they gave me this cute little carrot the other day : )
what should i make out of it?

The Full Moon

the next full moon is 7th, sunday.
supposed to be a nice weather.
id like to relax and appreciate the beautiful moon, listening to the piano, Clair De Lune or Nocturn No.2...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Eating Less

when i overeat ( and drink), --especially heavy food--i tend to be less patient.
and often times end up arguing with somebody : (
and then, i try to eat less.
feeling much calmer.

ancient asian medical philosphy says that over eating affects( clogs) the liver, which is related to negative emotion, espcially anger.

it also says that the less you eat, the more room you have for opportunities : )

seems that i need to learn how to be "filled" or satisfied with "less" : )