another snow storm in new york!
but even a big snow can't stop me from going for a morning walk in central park : )
or my deep concern about human-caused global warming, either.
just because only one part of the planet has been having cold(-er?) winter, or lots of snow storm, does not alter the fact that the whole planet is heating up.
as oriental philosophy teaches, we always have to look at the whole pictures.
in terms of global climite, we have to look at things on a global scale, and in longer period of time, instead of "just one region and one year".
besides, when we look at what we have been doing to the planet the last one hundred years or so, how can one say that this is not affecting our mother earth??
all the pollutions and the tremendous amount of so called heat trapping gases emitted every single day!!
i can even hear that this planet is screaming for help.
look at the poor polar bears!
from macrobiotic point of view, yin(cold) and yang(warm) are not absolute, but in constant transformation, continual state of change.
this extreme global warming is causing more frequent "exteme events", both yin and yang phenomenon.
for the time being, ill keep walking, even in the snow, every morning, and wait for the spring : )
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