Friday, November 20, 2009


in terms of yin and yang, wine is very yin.
yin energy is "loose", "cooling", and "expanding".
alcohol is yin and the fruit(sugar)is yin, so it's a "double yin".
so excessive drinking could cause headache (everybody knows!), digestive problems(loose stool), fatigue, and even weaken blood and therefore, immune function.

but when you are in Napa, "what can i do?" , right?
my solution is to balance out by taking in "yang" energy.
that is, Umeboshi!

Umeboshi is a plum (apricot, to be exact),pickled with sea salt and shiso leaves and aged for years.
it cleanses and strengthens your blood with this high yang quality (salt).
good for headache, digestive problems(anticeptic), fatigue, and function of organs such as heart.

so every night and morning while in napa, i ate one umeboshi so i could enjoy wine : )
yes, balance is always important!

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