I went to DUMBO neighborhood, brooklyn, the other day.
There was a indoor flea market going on, where I came across a booth that sells this little, wooden, strange shaped thing(pic above).
Is it a furniture?
I asked the guy what it was.
He said, “it’s miracle step.”
And it was for “complete elimination” !
Here is what it is (excerpt)
“The modern toilet does not position the body properly for elimination. The natural and anatomically correct position for humans is to squat.”
“With this, you are now in a simulated squatting position, knees above your abdomen, muscles relaxed. In this position, the abdominal wall and the bowels are fully supported for a complete, natural and healthy elimination.”
In fact, when I was a kid, most of the households, including my house, were using this squatting toilet.
And at that time in Japan, constipation was rare. --- of course, diet has also changed since then, though….
And when I travel to other Asian countries, some of them are still using this style.
But I have never appreciated –or even liked—it….
But now, I’m very curious.
The step is a bit too expensive for me($150), so I decided to use two yoga blocks($10 each) underneath my feet instead, and tried.
The moment I sit on the toilet seat and put my feet on the block, I feel this natural “urge” to eliminate.
And without too much energy, naturally ---ok, I should stop here.
But really, I have never realized that I was working so hard and using so much energy for “elimination”!
This surely is a life changing experience!
(excerpt/results of miracle step)
"Less bloating, relief from constipation, hemorrhoids,diarrhea, and IBS"