as i mentioned before, liver is the most affected by this season, and works even harder than usual to eniminate excess fat accumulated during the cold season.
but ive been overeating recently, especially fatty food!
i could hear the liver asking for help : (
by fasting, contrary to the common perception, you can recharge and strengthen the organs and systems by giving some rest.
in fact, our modern life style, too much eating/drinnking, --oftentimes late in the evening!--, is putting tremendous stress on our systems, every single day, 24/7!
as we want vacation to refresh and recharge ourselves, the organs and systems also deserve it, right?
complete fasting may be too much for some people---i cannot do that!
so i just eat less during the day, and if i crave for food, i have this special drink called "amazake", fermented "rice milk", made of brown rice.
very sweet, but gently rise blood sugar level.
nutritious, delicious and satisfying, yet easy on your digestive system thanks to the living enzyme : )