Wish you all the wonderful things in 2010.
peace and health on all, and the planet.
My mission is to introduce more people to the joy and pleasure of cooking. It doesn't have to be time-energy-money consuming. With a little kitchen makeover and practice, you can make healthy-tasty-easy dishes w/o recipes. I also like to introduce "good things" from my country, Japan. Join my cooking classes and experience the joy of food!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Kuzu, my winter partner
It's been so cold!!
I have to wear layers of layers when i go out.
in order to keep you warm from inside, i use this very useful, helpful food called KUZU : )
it's starch made of the root of kuzu plant.
in japan, its been used as midicine for colds/flu, as well as for any digestive problems.---trust me, it really works!
compared to corn starch or potato starch, which is more yin, or "cooling", this kuzu starch has more "warming (yang)" effect on your body, and makes a perfect gravy sauce or soup ,and even dessert!
this time of the season, especially when it's so cold, kuzu is something i frequently use for my everyday cooking : )
you can find kuzu at health food stores like whole foods.
if catching a cold, make kuzu drink with umeboshi plum.
I have to wear layers of layers when i go out.
in order to keep you warm from inside, i use this very useful, helpful food called KUZU : )
it's starch made of the root of kuzu plant.
in japan, its been used as midicine for colds/flu, as well as for any digestive problems.---trust me, it really works!
compared to corn starch or potato starch, which is more yin, or "cooling", this kuzu starch has more "warming (yang)" effect on your body, and makes a perfect gravy sauce or soup ,and even dessert!
this time of the season, especially when it's so cold, kuzu is something i frequently use for my everyday cooking : )
you can find kuzu at health food stores like whole foods.
if catching a cold, make kuzu drink with umeboshi plum.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Slower, the more....
in our society, "being fast" seems overvalued.
going from point A to point B, or getting things done, processing information,"as fast as possible".
and to make that happen, more and more things are invented each day.
we hear "the faster, the better" all the time....
but is that really true?
suppose you are going to a certain place.
if you walk, you will notice so many things, such as flowers on the street, birds on the trees,or a new coffee shop opened around the corner, or even run into a neighbor and catch up with him/her whats going on,...., while if you go by car, you will miss all those information!
somtimes, id like to go slow and appreciate how beautiful a red cardinal is against the snow covered lake in central park....
Yin becomes Yang
Friday, December 18, 2009
Year End Cleaning
in my country, Japan, this is the season for a big cleaning.
we do it, despite the fact everything is crazily busy, so that we can make a fresh start for the new year.
i don't know how it started, but to me it all makes sense.
in Asia, "cleaning" is not just a physical thing.
we believe cleaning has a tremendous positive impact even on emotional and spiritual level.
as feng shui tells, cluttered or dusty space makes the energy flow stagnant.
if you hang onto things from the past, you will be stuck in the past and cannot move on.
and the less stuff you have in your home, the more luck will come into your life!
even though it's the busiest time of the year, people in japan take some time to do this "year end cleaning" and welcome a fresh new year : )
we do it, despite the fact everything is crazily busy, so that we can make a fresh start for the new year.
i don't know how it started, but to me it all makes sense.
in Asia, "cleaning" is not just a physical thing.
we believe cleaning has a tremendous positive impact even on emotional and spiritual level.
as feng shui tells, cluttered or dusty space makes the energy flow stagnant.
if you hang onto things from the past, you will be stuck in the past and cannot move on.
and the less stuff you have in your home, the more luck will come into your life!
even though it's the busiest time of the year, people in japan take some time to do this "year end cleaning" and welcome a fresh new year : )
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The New Moon
today, 12/16, is the new moon.
the energy of elimination is strongest when the moon is the other side of the earth.
may feel more grounded, compared to when the moon is full.
and physically, things tend to "come out" more easily from the body.
they say that it's a good time for diet, or detox.
personally, i have noticed that i tend to have less hangover during the new moon, while i have it more easily when the moon is above our head up in the sky.
mor efrequent urination, and yes, better bowel movement : )
feeling somewhat purified, time to contemplate, and start new things....
* the next full moon is new year's eve!
the energy of elimination is strongest when the moon is the other side of the earth.
may feel more grounded, compared to when the moon is full.
and physically, things tend to "come out" more easily from the body.
they say that it's a good time for diet, or detox.
personally, i have noticed that i tend to have less hangover during the new moon, while i have it more easily when the moon is above our head up in the sky.
mor efrequent urination, and yes, better bowel movement : )
feeling somewhat purified, time to contemplate, and start new things....
* the next full moon is new year's eve!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wine and Yin & Yang
speaking of balancing yin and yang, it may be better to have some yang food with wine--strong yin-- for a good balance.
meat, for example, is extreme yang.
so it sounds reasonable to have meat and red wine together.
for vegetarians like me?
cheese is also strong yang.
fish is, compared to vegetables, yang, too.
of course, they are extreme yin and yang, so i would not recommend that you "balance out" this way all the time.
it's like a roller coaster!
another thing is, if you are completely vegetarian but love to drink, that could be a little too yin, which may weaken your health.
for the same reason, "vegetarian and have sweet tooth" could make you very weak overtime.
then again, meat and cheese have other health issues to be considered(high saturated fat, for instance), so even though it looks "more balanced (in an extreme way)", that does not mean it's healthy.
balance and moderation is the key : )
meat, for example, is extreme yang.
so it sounds reasonable to have meat and red wine together.
for vegetarians like me?
cheese is also strong yang.
fish is, compared to vegetables, yang, too.
of course, they are extreme yin and yang, so i would not recommend that you "balance out" this way all the time.
it's like a roller coaster!
another thing is, if you are completely vegetarian but love to drink, that could be a little too yin, which may weaken your health.
for the same reason, "vegetarian and have sweet tooth" could make you very weak overtime.
then again, meat and cheese have other health issues to be considered(high saturated fat, for instance), so even though it looks "more balanced (in an extreme way)", that does not mean it's healthy.
balance and moderation is the key : )

in terms of yin and yang, wine is very yin.
yin energy is "loose", "cooling", and "expanding".
alcohol is yin and the fruit(sugar)is yin, so it's a "double yin".
so excessive drinking could cause headache (everybody knows!), digestive problems(loose stool), fatigue, and even weaken blood and therefore, immune function.
but when you are in Napa, "what can i do?" , right?
my solution is to balance out by taking in "yang" energy.
that is, Umeboshi!
Umeboshi is a plum (apricot, to be exact),pickled with sea salt and shiso leaves and aged for years.
it cleanses and strengthens your blood with this high yang quality (salt).
good for headache, digestive problems(anticeptic), fatigue, and function of organs such as heart.
so every night and morning while in napa, i ate one umeboshi so i could enjoy wine : )
yes, balance is always important!
another organic winery
walk in the nature
between wine tasting, we tried to find places to walk and be in the nature.
drinking and eating all day would be too much, and also, a bit of exercise would help us appreciate more food and wine : )
we were lucky enough to find some good place for hiking.
and encountered some birds, including a HUGE wood pecker!--no pic, unfortunately...
and beautiful stream and woods.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
being in harmony with the natural order
it was after the harvest, so most of the grapes were already harvested.
but i learned that depends on the weather, the harvesting could be as early as late august and late as november.
this year, for example, there was a huge storm in summer.
but since Robert Sinskey follows the luna calender--an important part of biodynamic farming--, they predicted the storm, so they could harvest before the storm.
a great example of "being in harmony with the order of nature" !!
fresh from the oven!
Winery in Napa
i made a quick trip to Napa, CA.
yes, wine country : )
since i visited there last year,i have been a huge fan of Robert Sisnkey Wine.
they practice biodynamic farming, and operates the whole business as sustainable as possible, such as growing their own vegetables in the garden and using solar power, etc etc.
and most importantly, their wines are sooooo good!
this time, thanks to Mrs Maria Sinskey, we had a culnary tour there, where we had a fabulous food and wine paring.
Coconut Kabocha Soup
while i was in seattle last month, i had a wonderful culnary--and wine--experience.
one of them was at Wild Ginger, where we had a fabulous coconut pumpkin soup.
wanted to try again but don't know anywhere else that makes this soup.
well then, why don't i make it myself?
so i bought orgainc coconut milk, and kabocha(from farmer's market).
using dashi soup stock (dried shitake mushroom and dried kombu seaweed), ginger, and miso, i made my own soup : )
and surprisingly delicious!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hiking in Bear Mountain
Hiking in Bear Mountain
Fall Color
Monday, October 26, 2009
Central Park
Preparing for winter

also this tims of the season, lots of birds are in sight.
seems like they are trying to store enough fat for winter.
they all look chubbier than usual...
berrries are everywhere, and sometimes, hundreds of birds can be seen, singing, churping, like it's their holiday season : )
i justify my tremendous appetite these days, "yes, im in harmony with nature. i need to "store fat!"
one of my favorite, beautiful cardinal was so close to me this morning.
Autumn in New York
Friday, October 16, 2009
another detox meal

well, actually this is a kind of meal that i eat almost everyday at home.
healthy, balanced, pretty, and yes, yummy!
burdock root and carrot(kimpira style)
black soy bean and onion
steamed broccoli
sauteed seitan, chestnuts(from Joel's backyard), leeks and cabbage
miso soup
brown rice with soba(buckwheat)
now, im ready for the weekend indulgence : ) right?
more detox meal
detox week : )

after lots of great washington wine and delicious but rich garmet foods, my body needed a week of detox.
this is my monday macrobiotic dinner.
azuki bean and kabocha(yes, from the organic farm in Skagit!)
nishime(stewed) daikon radish
branched kale and japanese turnips
sauted arame seaweed, onion and carrot
miso soup
brown rice, sweet brown rice and hatomugi(pearl barley)
colorful and delicious!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
bonfire, yin and yang

it was a cold evening (yin).
Joel, the host, made sure the bonfire was kept on.
naturally, people gathered around the fire (yang)
and it made us peaceful....
it was as if i was experiencing the most basic, fundamental human nature set deep within our DNA.
human beings became human beings by using fire (hence, cooking).
felt like, looking at the flame brought me back to the core.
i think we need this kind of experience from time to time.
we seem so divorced from the nature, and forget some important things in our lives.
nothing else is needed.
just good food(and wine), good company, and being in nature.

the owner of the house, Joel and Denice, were such a wonderful host.
made everybody feel at home.
it was a bit chilly evening, but the BBQ was set, and fabulous paella and salmon was served.
my friend, the birthday boy, is vegetarian, so there were two kinds of paella, including vegetarian version(w/finger potatoes,beet, maybe onions?), soooooooo goooood!
thank you, Denise, Amy and Vince!
chest nuts!!

my friend's party was held at his friend's house.
while waiting for food to be ready, we picked up chestnuts.
yes, there was a big chest nut tree in the backyard!
i don't remember when was the last time i picked up chestnut like this myself.
so much fun!!
i cooked them with rice when i came back home.
very "autumn dish" in japan : )
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
sunset, view from the garden
Skagit County

about 1 and a half hour drive from seattle, Skagit county is where my friend's party was held.
i immidiately fell in love with this beautiful place.
vast fields, mountains--even snow capped ones!--in the distance.
the the air was so clean and clear, and i could not help but breathe deeeeep so my lungs were cleansed : )
i have to say, the air was delicious!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Azuki Kabocha

after i came back to new york, i made this healing macrobiotic dish, azuki kabocha, using the pumpkin from Mother Flight Farm.
the kabocha is so sweet,dense,rich and beautiful yellow/orange color.
cook azuki bean---soak over night, and cook with a pinch of sea salt, small piece of dried kombu seaweed, about 45min with pressure cooker or 1hour with a pot.
cook kabocha with water and sea salt, in a different pot till soft.
mix, add a bit of soy sauce and simmer for a fewminutes.
if no time for cooking azuki bean, use Eden's canned organic azuki bean.
Hazel nuts trees
freshly milled whole wheat!
Organic Farm

the purpose of thisshort trip was to visit my friend, Mark, for his 50th birthday.
we drove from seattle to north, enjoying beautiful scenery.
we were so lucky since the weather was just gorgeous for the whole weekends!
i mean, i was in washington state!!
then i saw a sign,"organic farm and food stand".
naturally, we stopped this cute farm called Mother Flight Farm, received a warm welcome by this beautiful lady, Jude : )
Green Starbucks!?
i'm not a coffee drinker, so i was not so big about visiting the first, original starbucks in pike place market.(opened in 1971, the logo is slightly different)--i went there anyway,tho, and kind of enjoyed it : )
but what really caught my attention was this green starbucks near by.
certified LEED, using recycled stuff for the building materials and interior.
liked the atmospher : )
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
another macrobiotic meal
Walking before Breakfast

one of the things that i loved doing when in becket, and decided to continue when i come back to the city, is WALKING.
ive always looked forward to getting up to breakfast, but now, even more so.
i get up a little earlier than before, and after a cup of hot kukicha tea, i walk to central park.
sometimes i stop, and do some gentle streches and breathing exercise, and continue to walk.
and often times, i'm greeted by variety of birds : )
walking stimulates meridians running through on the foot.
so by the time i get back home, im soooooo hungry!
also i found out, this gives me so much energy throughout the day.
blood, lymph, and qi, i can feel all circulating in my body!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Macrobiotic meal, my style
Market in Fall
In Becket, MA
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Please tell me you are kidding when you say....
"i'm eating lots of ice cream"
Mr. Steven P. Jobs, Apple's chief exec, after he received a liver transplant, because of a complication caused by pancreatic cancer.
"to gain weight"
the biggest culprit for pancreatic disorder is SUGAR!!
and dairy, eggs as well as sugar---3 main ingredients of ice cream-- are extremely hard on liver, since those foods overburden the organ when it tries to digest and detoxify the acids from those foods(fat, foreign protein).
so ice cream is the last thing you should eat!!
when you have a pancreatic problem, it is hard to gain weight since your body cannot properly absorb nutrients.
also, because of the insulin problem, you tend to crave "sweetness".
what you need to do is,
1 eat foods easy to digest (whole grains, vegetables)
2 chew well (50 to 100 times each mouth full),
3 also to strengthen pancreas and to satisfy the sweet tooth, drink "sweet vegetable soup.
hope Mr. Jobs read this, and contact any macrobiotic counselor!!
Mr. Steven P. Jobs, Apple's chief exec, after he received a liver transplant, because of a complication caused by pancreatic cancer.
"to gain weight"
the biggest culprit for pancreatic disorder is SUGAR!!
and dairy, eggs as well as sugar---3 main ingredients of ice cream-- are extremely hard on liver, since those foods overburden the organ when it tries to digest and detoxify the acids from those foods(fat, foreign protein).
so ice cream is the last thing you should eat!!
when you have a pancreatic problem, it is hard to gain weight since your body cannot properly absorb nutrients.
also, because of the insulin problem, you tend to crave "sweetness".
what you need to do is,
1 eat foods easy to digest (whole grains, vegetables)
2 chew well (50 to 100 times each mouth full),
3 also to strengthen pancreas and to satisfy the sweet tooth, drink "sweet vegetable soup.
hope Mr. Jobs read this, and contact any macrobiotic counselor!!
Spider Veins?
according to today's times, astonishing 70% of population will be affected by spider veins, or telangiectasia.
and seems that the main stream treatment for that is called scerotherapy, a kind of injection to "irritate the vein's lining and cause its wall to collapse".
sounds very aggressive and invasive!!
also costs up to $500!
some people use cream for the condition.
but from Macrobiotic point of view, the undelying cause is.....
overconsumption of liquid, fruits, juice, or oil., which expand the capillary.
and this is not just about "apperance", but could be a sign of trouble with heart,circulatory,digestive, excretion system, liver, spleen/pancreas.
also, people with spider veins tend to have migrain, or menstrual problems.
so, instead of spending lots of money on surgery or cream, i suggest that they go to the root cause.
cut down on liquid, juice, fruits for a while.
and seems that the main stream treatment for that is called scerotherapy, a kind of injection to "irritate the vein's lining and cause its wall to collapse".
sounds very aggressive and invasive!!
also costs up to $500!
some people use cream for the condition.
but from Macrobiotic point of view, the undelying cause is.....
overconsumption of liquid, fruits, juice, or oil., which expand the capillary.
and this is not just about "apperance", but could be a sign of trouble with heart,circulatory,digestive, excretion system, liver, spleen/pancreas.
also, people with spider veins tend to have migrain, or menstrual problems.
so, instead of spending lots of money on surgery or cream, i suggest that they go to the root cause.
cut down on liquid, juice, fruits for a while.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Macrobiotic Bento Box : )
Thursday, September 3, 2009
"Still Walking" and Fried Corn Cake
i saw a beautiful japanese movie, called "still walking", the other day.
no big drama, kind of reminds me of old Ozu movies, subtle but real, and nothing special happens throughout the movie, even at the end.
some people may not appreciate this kind.
nothing like hollywood movies.---don't get me wrong.i, too, sometime enjoy hollywood movies! : )
but i just loved it!
then i thought about food.
the difference between modern diet and macrobiotics or traditional japanese food.
our modern food culture is like a hollywood movie, while macrobiotic is like this kind of japanese movie.
we tend to like food that gives us instant satisfaction, something that you can taste strong flavor with the first bite, mainly intensified with seasonings such as salt, sugar,herb or spice.
tangible and easy to understand,does not require chewing or any other effort from or side.
we will have instant "wow!", but does not last long, and sometimes it gets boring.
macrobiotic, or traditional japanese food, on the other hand, the taste is subtle and gentle, not very strongly flavored or seasoned.
instead, each ingredient has its own place, and you will appreciate gradually and slowly, as you chew and chew and chew.....
after a hollywood movie, we would have "wow" instantly, and can say "i loved it" or "not".
while this time, after "still walking", my friend and i didn't have any quick comment, not very sure if we liked it or not, but gradually, kind of sunk in, and over dinner, finally we started to talk about it.
and we decided that we loved the movie!
and i liked this slow process.
by the way, there are some cooking scene in the movie, and one dish made me drool.
that is deep fried corn cake.
so i made it---though i didnt know the recipe.
taste sooooooo sweet and delicious! (kind of instant, but lasts long, too : )
recipe (Jin's version)
1 kernel of corn (i used organic corn from norwick medow farm. thank you!!)
1/2 cup of corn meal
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
1 to 1 tbs of grated mountain potato
pinch of salt
mix and deep fry
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Morning After Mini Fasting....
Over the weekend, i was eating a bit too much, so my body said to me, " take a break, please".
so yesterday, no snack, simple meal during the day, and skip dinner, went to sleep earlier than usual.
this morning, i woke up one hour earlier w/o alarm clock, refreshed and recharged, and went for a walk to central park.
a perfect beautiful sunny day.
then i came accross black-crowned night-heron!
looks like an early bird catches a bird : )
skipping meal(evening) from time to time is a good way to rest (and strengthen) hard-working digestive sysytem,(spleen,pancreas,liver, kidneys) , and detox.
most effective on the new moon or full moon.
also an unexpected can happen, too : )
** 4th, full moon. 18th, new moon this month.
Swine Flu
Bioligically, flu virus is not a living thing.
it's a pure protein.
so instead of "kill" them, we can "break down" the virus as we do other food.
traditionally around the world, we have eaten certain foods/spice/herb to break down animal protein. such as garlic, ginger, daikon, lemon, wasabi, umeboshi plum etc etc.
Tamiflu is also made of a chinese spice, too.
most importantly, we can build a strong, healthy body(blood) to avoid falling sick by eating right diet in the first place.
washing hands, wearing mask, or avoiding crownds might be important.
but sometime it's inevitable to expose the viruses.
so why don't we eat right to protect ourselves?
here is more about this http://www.wholelifewithjin.com/swineflu.html
it's a pure protein.
so instead of "kill" them, we can "break down" the virus as we do other food.
traditionally around the world, we have eaten certain foods/spice/herb to break down animal protein. such as garlic, ginger, daikon, lemon, wasabi, umeboshi plum etc etc.
Tamiflu is also made of a chinese spice, too.
most importantly, we can build a strong, healthy body(blood) to avoid falling sick by eating right diet in the first place.
washing hands, wearing mask, or avoiding crownds might be important.
but sometime it's inevitable to expose the viruses.
so why don't we eat right to protect ourselves?
here is more about this http://www.wholelifewithjin.com/swineflu.html
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Brown Rice and Cancer ----new study
traditionally in japan, people have been eating brown rice porridge to cure serious diseases.
roast brown rice and simmer for hours, and eat only this dish for a while, many people are said to have recovered from illnesses.
recently, a group of doctors and scientists in japan published a new study on brown rice and cancer
according to this 30-year-study,a certain substance in brown rice can attack cancer cells.
i translated the digest of the study into english here(below).
roast brown rice and simmer for hours, and eat only this dish for a while, many people are said to have recovered from illnesses.
recently, a group of doctors and scientists in japan published a new study on brown rice and cancer
according to this 30-year-study,a certain substance in brown rice can attack cancer cells.
i translated the digest of the study into english here(below).
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tofu Mayo Salad
summer, full of fresh produce, just makes me want to cook and cook and cook : )
with cabbage, red cabbage and corn i bought at the union square market, i created another macrobiotic recipe!
cut thin cabbage, sprinkle sea salt and knead(press)
boild corn and add.
tofu mayo :
tofu (wrap in a cloth and dry)
1tbs of miso
1tbs of ume vinegar, and brown rice vinegar
1ts of sea salt
1/2 ts of lemon juice
1/4 cup of soy milk(unsweetned, organic)
all in food processor until smooth.
mix everything and serve cold or room temp : )
Tomatoes --- night shade, too yin
Macrobiotically, tomatoes, along with potatoes, egg plants and peppers, are considered too yin.
so they are not recommended to eat too much, or if you are out of balance, feeling not well, it's better to avoid.
but they are in season now!
so here is one of the suggestions to balance out the energy.
by adding "yang" energy to it.
sprinkle a bit of sea salt(yang) on tomatoes.
this enhances the flavor and sweetness of the vegetable, as well as balancing the energy.
also mix with other yang food, such as wakame sea weed(also yang)
cut cube organic heirloom tomato(any tomato is good)
sprinlke sea salt.
add wakame seaweed and black sesame.
add ts of umeboshi vinegar or brown rice vinegar (or both) and mix.
serve room temperture.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tea Cha Tea
tea, tea, tea,...
so many choices.
they say green tea is full of antioxdant, so good as a substitute of coffee.
in fact, it's said that one of the secrets of japanese people's healthy longevity could be this beautiful aromatic drink.
i, myself, drink organic green tea that my mom sent me from japan almost every afternoon. my hometown is well known for green tea!
---by the way, i do not understand why here in this country they add other flavor to green tea? like "mint green tea" or "lemon green tea", and even add some sugar!!
green tea--loose tea, not tea bag--has such a wonderful flavor so please do not kill it!!---
anyway, macrobiotically, though, green tea is a bit too "yin", cools you down, and a bit hard on your kidneys.
in fact, after i drink green tea, i have to go to bathroom every hour or even more.
---maybe im a bit too sensitive or my constitution is yin.
so what tea is more "neutral"?
kuki cha tea, bancha tea, or barley tea are suggested by macrobiotics.
then again, i reccomend not tea bag but loose tea (pic here is a tea bag , though)
you can find them at health food store.
they are milder, more minerals, less caffein.
real good alternative to coffee and green/black tea : )
have them with each meal or snack!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
the bent spoon
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