Friday, May 1, 2009

Body that do NOT attract bugs

so now, what do those bugs dislike?
i don't know about swine flu, but in general. they do not care for salt.
i'm not suggesting that you take lots of salt.
that could cause other issues.....maybe.
but some salty food do react to your body system differently.
traditional fermented food, such as miso(fermented soy paste), soy sauce, those contain good amount of salt, but very gently break down in your body system.
also good source of probiotic, they protect you from bad bugs!!

some studies suggest that if salt does not kill bugs, acid does the job.
umeboshi plum, or ume vinegar has one of the greatest sterilizing power among food.
in japan, we eat them when we have diarrhea or stomach flu, also use as a preservative for food.

you can find them at health food stores or japanese grocery stores.
have some umeboshi green tea in the morning, or fix spring salad with ume vinegar : )

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