Thursday, January 19, 2012

How daily diet can have a huge impact on your health

just wanted to share a video about a young woman in NYC, who recovered from ulcerative colitis through Macrobiotic diet.
Check this out : )

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Balance and Variety

Each and every meal, I try to make it more balanced so I'll be satisfied, not feeling deprived or craving for some unnecessary foods.
so I use variety of...

and cooking methods

all my senses are stimulated and satisfied : )
no need for dessert!

Kabocha and brown rice croquette

Using leftover brown rice, along with steamed kabocha squash, I made croquette!
so sweet and delicioso : )

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cooked apple & kuzu

when fruits are cooked, the sweetness is enhanced.
just a pinch of salt makes it more so.
so why do you need to add sugar to it, I wonder....

anyhow, just cooked apples with sea salt, water and cinnamon.
at the end, add some kuzu to make it thicker (and make yin yang balance)
great winter dessert : )

Seitan stew for cold day : )


winter squash (butter nut, kabocha etc)
olive oil
sea salt
kombu or wakame
vegetable stock or water
whole wheat flour

cut veggies, and saute with oil expect kale
add water or vegetable stock and cook with sea weed
while cooking soup, slice seitan, coat with flour and fry both sides, set aside
when the vegetables are cooked, add kale and seitan to cook for a few more minutes
turn off heat, season with miso (I used sweet brown rice miso for this)
* to make it creamier, you can add either whole wheat flour or diluted kuzu.

Japanese savory pancake, or Okonomi-yaki

Japan's very popular snack-dish, savory pancake called Okonomi-yaki.
mine is, of course, vegetarian version.
just shred cabbage (or whatever veggie you like), mixed with whole wheat flour and water, then fry both sides.

you can eat with dipping sauce, or "oyster sauce" with vegan mayo and nori powder on top.

Rind of kabocha squahs

most of the time, I do not peel the skin of kabocha squash, and cook them together.
but when I use only the meaty part, such as for kabocha pudding or something, I peel them off.
then again, do not discard them!
I made kimpira saute, with arame seaweed : )

Carrot ginger dressing

Utilize your blender!
you can make lots of different kinds of home made dressing, which is far healthier than store bought ones.
Carrot, ginger, rice vinegar, apple cider, olive oil. soy sauce, miso and some water.
very easy and now you can enjoy lots of veggies!

Carrot tops and hijiki seaweed tempura

Don't discard carrot tops!
they are super high in vitamins, minerals, as nutritional as kale.
using the leafy parts, you can use them for various cooking.

this time, I made tempura, mixed with hijiki seaweed (kind of calcium), and whole wheat flour.
Delicious with dashi-soy dippping sauce : )

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Detox after holiday season

Detox doe's have to be "green juice"!

brown rice is super high in fiber.
miso soup helps digestion, cleanses blood.
aduki bean is nourishing kidneys.
Gobo root helps liver function.
lotus root nourishes lungs.
hijiki seaweed is very high in calcium and other minerals.
Green has lots of antioxidant.
pickles helps healthy intestinal flora.

delicious, satisfying, and healthy : )
happy new year~!

Traditional Japanese New Year's Meal ---vegetarian style