Friday, December 18, 2009

Year End Cleaning

in my country, Japan, this is the season for a big cleaning.

we do it, despite the fact everything is crazily busy, so that we can make a fresh start for the new year.

i don't know how it started, but to me it all makes sense.
in Asia, "cleaning" is not just a physical thing.
we believe cleaning has a tremendous positive impact even on emotional and spiritual level.

as feng shui tells, cluttered or dusty space makes the energy flow stagnant.
if you hang onto things from the past, you will be stuck in the past and cannot move on.
and the less stuff you have in your home, the more luck will come into your life!

even though it's the busiest time of the year, people in japan take some time to do this "year end cleaning" and welcome a fresh new year : )

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