Sunday, August 16, 2009


come to think of it, we tend to think that "eating" is such an induvidual, personal activity.
but it's NOT!

there are so much, so many involved until the food comes to our table. everyday!
farmers, of course.
purveyers, drivers, retailers, or those who cook (and do the dishes, in some cases)
not just people,
but soil, water, the sun, the moon, the wind, worms, bugs, all the nature.
and if you eat animals or fish, they "sacrifice" their lives for us.

we tend to forget these things when we eat, and take it for granted....

in japan, we say "itadaki masu" before eat, and "gochiso sama" after we ate.
to show gratitude.
and i see in western culture, some people say grace before eating.
i think that's very beautiful : )

going to a green market and meet farmers every week, or doing a little gardening really made me realize those things : )
"how lucky, and happy i am to be able to eat this delicious meal today, despite everything else!"

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