Thursday, September 10, 2009

Spider Veins?

according to today's times, astonishing 70% of population will be affected by spider veins, or telangiectasia.

and seems that the main stream treatment for that is called scerotherapy, a kind of injection to "irritate the vein's lining and cause its wall to collapse".
sounds very aggressive and invasive!!
also costs up to $500!
some people use cream for the condition.

but from Macrobiotic point of view, the undelying cause is.....
overconsumption of liquid, fruits, juice, or oil., which expand the capillary.
and this is not just about "apperance", but could be a sign of trouble with heart,circulatory,digestive, excretion system, liver, spleen/pancreas.
also, people with spider veins tend to have migrain, or menstrual problems.

so, instead of spending lots of money on surgery or cream, i suggest that they go to the root cause.
cut down on liquid, juice, fruits for a while.

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