Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cancer and its causes 1

there are numerous causes that develop cancer.
however, "how your body reacts" to cancer cells seems to make a huge difference if a person really develops a cancer.

there is one study here. --- by institute de investigaciones en salud(INISA)

stomack cancer is closely linked to the helicobacter pylori (Hp) bacteria.
comparing people in two places, an area with the highest incidence of stomach cancer(near san jose) and the lowest rate of the cancer (nicoya, costa rica).

both people are equally infected with Hp bacteria.
so the bacteria itself is not the cause of developing cancer.

the difference between those people?
people near san jose are mainly migrant workers. while nicoyan people are peasants, tending their own garden, which gave them access to fresh vegetables all year around.

some studies also suggest that vitamin C and beta carotenes may help prevent stomach cancer, or at least subdue the effects of Hp.

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